Where to eat : order food online in Malaysia

One of the first things to know as a tourist is the online ordering services Malaysia. The Southeast Asian country is a culinary paradise par excellence. Malaysia is all the culinary richness of the world, a mix of civilizations and their foods. If you want to know more about food in Malaysia, we invite you to read our article where to eat in Malaysia.

In our era, everything is simpler. With a single click or scan you can make an online order in Malaysia. You don’t have to go to the local restaurant. Today, food delivery is as easy as it gets in Malaysia. Getting food delivered is now easier with the best food delivery services in Malaysia. With so many food delivery services and apps to choose from, you’ll have no worries. Online ordering services Malaysia reliable, convenient and fast services. After all, how can you resist Malaysian food? If you are a gourmet tourist, this guide is for you.

grab food online order

Online ordering Malaysia : the leader GrabFood

There are several food delivery services in Malaysia that you can turn to for your sudden food cravings. One of the most popular online ordering applications in Malaysia is GrabFood. GrabFood’s Malaysia online ordering service has only recently ventured into Malaysia. However, its success is phenomenal.

The company has invested a lot of money to accelerate its spread. The result is amazing, GrabFood has grown from 300 suppliers at launch to over 1000 suppliers. GrabFood has a large number of international and local restaurants.

GrabFood’s delivery people are just like the company, they are friendly and arrive on time. They have integrated wallet systems that allow them to settle all payments without touching customers’ physical wallets. GrabFood often offers rewards for loyal customers as well as promotions and free delivery services.

One of the best things about the company is that these delivery drivers work even when it rains. However, as a compassionate gesture, if you place an order and it rains, it would be best to give the delivery person a small tip. Another advantage that is highly appreciated by customers is the ordering system. Often, it is better to place an order for one person than to place it for several.

When you place your order, you will be able to track your order accurately.
You will see when the delivery person has picked up your order.
You can then follow it in real time on the map of the application.


grab food online order

Order online with FoodPanda

FoodPanda is one of the leading food delivery companies in Malaysia. The home delivery service has a large database of international and local restaurants. The number of restaurants is estimated at more than 5000. Between the big chains, the high-end restaurants and the small shops, you have a wide range of choices in front of you.

FoodPanda is a very aggressive and competitive company. They often offer promotions and price reductions. FoodPanda’s delivery drivers are everywhere in Malaysia. You will often have the chance to see them roaming around the city or grouping somewhere, especially in Kuala Lumpur.

The great thing about FoodPanda is that you can order your food using their website. Very practical in case of phone failure. Another advantage of FoodPanda is the way to save food. For example, pizza and drinks are delivered in a surprising way, you will find it hard to believe that your food was transported.

FoodPanda regularly provides promotions via Malaysian influencers to show that its promotions are running openly. Generally, promotions are held on holidays, but sometimes it is done randomly. One last advantage of FoodPanda is that the delivery costs are very reasonable and sometimes they are non-existent.

Online order Malaysia : other services

UberEats does not exist.
But you will find many other applications to order food in Malaysia such as :

  • Beep
  • Airasia

Our personal experience

We ordered a lot online with GrabFood, especially during the beginning of our expatriation, when we didn’t have any kitchen or cooking utensils.
We have been quite satisfied with GrabFood.

  • You can use your French number to set up GrabFood, but the delivery people will probably not be able to call you.
  • Some restaurants have their own delivery people as well: don’t hesitate to check, it’s always better to cut out the middleman.
  • Don’t forget that with the GRAB application, you can do many things: charge your phone, order a car, send a package, eat etc.!
  • We registered our credit card on the application, to avoid carrying cash. For the moment, no anomaly to report.

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