
    Follow the updates on COVID in Malaysia

    In this part of the article, we will publish the different updates regarding the health status in Malaysia.

    Update of September 10, 2022

    Masks are no longer required to be worn in indoor spaces.
    As a reminder, this was already the case for the exterior.

    Update of August 10, 2022

    No more difference between unvaccinated and vaccinated: the rules are the same, you just have to register on the MySejahtera application.
    Nothing will be asked in addition to that.
    No more tests, no more quarantine, regardless of vaccination status.
    See the official link (which you can give to the airport, if necessary).

    For the unvaccinated

    The quarantine is no longer required since August 1st (we were waiting for an official release).
    No need for covid tests anymore, but be careful, check with the airlines if they apply the same rule. Some companies may require a negative covid test before boarding.

    For the vaccinated

    Nothing has changed: you can enter and exit without any worries, as long as your MySejahtera application is up to date.
    Always add your vaccination certificate before your departure, in the application (this will be checked at the airport of departure, while they update).

    Updated August 1, 2022

    The TRAVELLER CARD is no longer required: it was a form to fill out, on the MySejahtera application.

    The MySejahtera application is still mandatory: you must register by creating your account, before your departure.

    For the unvaccinated

    The 5-day quarantine (to be done wherever you want) is still mandatory. Testing is always mandatory. Monitoring is much less strict. Some do not respect quarantine at all (at your own risk).

    For the vaccinated

    Nothing has changed: you can enter and exit without any worries, as long as your MySejahtera application is up to date. Always add your vaccination certificate before your departure, in the application (this will be checked at the departure airport).

    • Masks must always be worn indoors.
    • You don’t need to scan anything anymore.

    Update of April 27, 2022

    • Masks are no longer required to be worn in public spaces.
      It remains mandatory inside.
    Wearing a mask Malaysia
    Wearing a mask Malaysia
    • Use of Mysejahtera
      No need to scan QR codes at the entrance of public spaces.
    • Distancing
      Distancing (which has not been respected for a while anyway) is no longer mandatory.
    • Covid tests for travelers
      COVID tests are no longer required for those under 12 years of age (it was 6 years prior to May 1, 2022).
      Covid tests for travelersCovid tests for travelers
    • COVID Insurance
      No need for COVID insurance.




    Finally, the official announcement has been made and you can now come to Malaysia!

    The government has made available, a number of measures for the MALAYSIA OPEN BORDER, to welcome tourists, without any geographical restrictions (except for Sabah for the moment).

    Many people were waiting for this moment: the opening of the Malaysia borders.
    The opening of the borders will be global, from April 1st 2022: you will be able to enjoy the whole of Malaysia, from the first day, provided that you respect certain conditions that we will list here.

    Non-vaccinated people will also be able to travel to Malaysia.

    Unlike the Langkawi Travel Bubble (LTB) program, which is no longer in effect.
    For the unvaccinated, many restrictions will exist, and it is also for this reason that we do not recommend you to travel to Malaysia, until these are lifted.

    Let’s look at it in detail in this article.

    Travelling during COVID: Malaysia border opening

    From what date could we enter Malaysia?

    Malaysia border opening on April 1, 2022

    You can already come to Malaysia by air.
    Malaysia border opening is already effective.
    If you are planning to come to Malaysia on vacation, we strongly recommend that you book your flight to Kuala Lumpur and your hotels.
    You will understand that you will have to read the conditions of reimbursement carefully in case the situation changes and evolves in the wrong direction.

    Is it safe?

    Yes 100% this time.
    You will no longer need to quarantine if you are vaccinated.
    In addition, you will no longer need to book a hotel with an approved tourist agency: you can book the accommodation as you wish, just like before!
    The official procedure can be found on the KKM website , MySafeTravel.

    If you have been following all our news published on our different social networks, you have been able to read quite a few twists and turns regarding the opening of Malaysia’s borders.
    On the other hand, no one would be able to say if this will last, as long as on COVID still exists.
    To date, France knows for example, a new wave of infection linked to the coronavirus!

    The conditions to be respected

    Know your situation: what are the conditions to be considered “fully vaccinated”?

    Before you begin, be sure to check if you are considered fully vaccinated.
    The official table explains this in detail.
    There are 3 categories depending on your age: under 18, 18-59, and over 60.
    Depending on your age, and the type of vaccine you received, you can determine if you are considered fully vaccinated or not.
    For example, if you come from France, and you are 30 years old, 2 doses of Pfizer, or Astrazeneca, or Moderna are enough: the 3rd dose is “useless” administratively speaking.

    We leave you to consult this table at your leisure.

    Malaysia open border - vaccine
    Malaysia border opening – vaccine

    Have you had COVID and are you recovered?

    This will not change your immunization status.
    The only thing that will change will be the covid test before departure: an antigenic test will suffice instead of the PCR test.

    For those who have been vaccinated

    You will not have to perform any quarantine.
    Here are the steps to follow:

    Before arriving in Malaysia

    Malaysia open border - before coming to Malaysia
    Malaysia open border – before coming to Malaysia
    Malaysia border opening - preparations and tests
    Malaysia border opening – preparations and tests
    1. Download the MySejahtera application , and register on the application (with your phone number or an email address).

      With this application, you will be able to record your vaccination certificates.
      The application will serve you on a daily basis, as you will have to scan a QR Code at the entrance of all places: shops, restaurants, parks, mosques, shopping malls, etc.
      If you walk into a store, you’ll find a security guard or employee checking to see if you’ve scanned the QR Code, and they may also ask to check your immunization status on your app.

      Your immunization status will be displayed on this application.
      You can check it out here.

      We invite you to watch the video on COVID in Malaysia, if you want to know more.

    2. Open the application and fill in the electronic “Pre-departure” form, also called the“Digital Pre-Departure Form (DPDF)“: just click on the Traveller icon
      No longer required as of August 1, 2022
      Formulare mysejahtera
      mysejahtera form

      After filling out this form, you will receive a confirmation on the application.
      Without this completed form, you will not be able to board.

    3. Be sure to check your immunization status. You can click HERE to check it.
    4. Do an RT-PCR test 48 hours before your departure.
      If you have had the COVID within 6 to 60 days before your departure, and you are fully recovered (a certificate, in English, will be requested), an antigen test will suffice. Self-tests are not allowed.
      Children under the age of 6, on the day of departure, will not be required to take a covid test.
      This is no longer necessary.
    5. Make sure your insurance covers you for hospitalization for COVID-19. Coverage must be a minimum of $20,000.
      Normally, if you have a good health insurance plan, this should not be a problem at all.
      This is no longer necessary.

    After your arrival in Malaysia

    1. Do an RTK (antigenic) test 24 hours after your arrival.
      details of this test will be given in the following article:

      This is no longer necessary.
    2. Then enjoy Malaysia!

    For the unvaccinated

    Everything is identical to the vaccinated, except that :

    • You will be subjected to a 5-day quarantine.
      You will have to self-insulate. This is the Digital Home Surveillance Order (HSO).
    • Regarding COVID tests, you will have to perform the same tests as the vaccinated ones, with the addition of another PCR test on day 4 or an RTK on day 5.
    • You can do your quarantine wherever you want
    • You will have to stay in your accommodation/hotel: it will be forbidden to go out even to do your shopping.
    • These indications are theoretical. In practice, monitoring is much lighter today: it is up to you to measure the risks of respecting or not these rules.

    Malaysia border opening - vaccination status
    Malaysia border opening – vaccination status

    What happens if you test positive at the finish line?

    If you test positive for RTK, then you will be quarantined.
    In case you are positive and vaccinated, you will have 7 days of quarantine.
    However, if you are positive and unvaccinated or partially vaccinated, you will have 10 days of quarantine.

    Malaysia open border - covid test
    Malaysia open border – covid test

    The case of Borneo: Sarawak and Sabah

    These two Malaysian states generally have their own immigration rules.
    All that has been detailed in the above paragraph, concerns only the peninsular part.

    The case of SARAWAK

    The state of Sarawak announced the opening of their territory, in an official statement, on March 26, 2022.
    We are not going to communicate too many details, this region interests few tourists (although it is well worth the detour!).

    For domestic travelers, no change: we could already enter and leave this territory for several weeks, like any other territory in Malaysia.
    As for international travelers, they will have to register on the MySejahtera application (as for the peninsular part), a covid test will be required before departure, and after your arrival.
    Finally, for tourists traveling from Singapore, they will be subjected to only one test (the one before departure). They will also have to register on MySejahtera.

    Here is a graphic summary of the main points:

    Malaysia open border Sarawak
    Malaysia open border Sarawak

    The case of SABAH

    Sabah’s immigration department finally officially released the opening rules, this March 29, 2022 (really at the last minute 😅) :
    The territory is also open to domestic and international travelers
    It would be possible for you to travel on Sabah, especially on Kota Kinabalu.

    We must distinguish 2 cases.

    • You enter Sabah, via a domestic flight

    This is normally the case for most people.
    You will probably land on Kuala Lumpur.
    Then, you will integrate Sabah as a destination in your tour.
    So, it’s simple: you don’t need to do anything more than what has been described above to enter Malaysia.

    • You enter Sabah, directly from abroad

    You should carry out all the steps as if you were coming from the peninsula.
    Everything is the same.

    Here are the official rules below:

    What about land and sea borders?

    Land borders

    For the moment, only the border between Singapore and Malaysia can be crossed by land.
    For the moment, we have no indication yet about the other borders like the border between Thailand and Malaysia, or between Indonesia and Malaysia on the Borneo side.

    The Malaysia – Singapore border

    For the Singapore – Malaysia crossing, no test will be required, neither before departure nor upon arrival.
    This is not the case if you fly between Singapore and Malaysia, you will be tested before departure, but not upon arrival.
    No quarantine will also be imposed.

    The maritime borders

    The same is true for maritime borders. For the moment, everything is still closed.
    It is therefore not possible to return to Malaysia by boat from the Thai islands for example (Koh Lipe to Langkawi among others).

    How to book your flight to Malaysia?

    Our tips for traveling to Malaysia during COVID

    We are going to share with you some tips to prepare your trip to Malaysia, with peace of mind.
    There are also tips that could save you some money.

    Summary of documents to have

    Here’s what you should bring and keep with you:

    • your plane tickets,
    • your PCR result (or Antigenic result if you were infected and recovered within 6-60 days)
    • insurance document,
    • vaccination certificate,
    • MySejahtera application, with the pre-filled Traveller Card,
    • your passport.

    Useful links

    Sites to be preserved:

    The return or exit ticket

    It is mandatory to have a return ticket, or at least an exit ticket.
    Immigration may ask you for this ticket.

    The COVID RTK (antigenic) test: how? where ? how much?

    Upon arrival, you have 24 hours to do your RTK test.
    Don’t worry, you will find many centers to perform this covid test.
    Some companies can even come to your home to perform the test.

    How to do the covid test?

    You will be able to take this test in a dedicated center only.
    For the RTK test, some propose the salivary test (RTK Saliva), and / or, the nasal test.

    Where to take the covid test?

    It must be done by a professional.
    Avoid doing this at the airport if you want to avoid the line.
    The price is only RM25 at the airport, but at KLIA2, for a saliva RTK test.

    How much does the covid test cost?

    You won’t have any trouble finding a testing center.
    If you come to Kuala Lumpur, you will surely find some around your place of residence, on foot.
    Nevertheless, here are some covid test centers, with their prices.
    The rates, for the same service (RTK test) can range from RM 25 to RM 180!
    You can then compare on your side.

    • At the
      KLIA2 airport
      for RM 25, for a salivary RTK test. Please note that international flights usually land at KLIA1. So you have to take a shuttle to KLIA2, and that can complicate things.
      covid test at KUALA LUMPUR AIRPORT KLIA2
      covid test at KUALA LUMPUR AIRPORT KLIA2
    • Klinik Plaza, on Bukit Bintang: RM35.
      Appointment by Whatsapp possible:
      RTK test covid Bukit Bintang Kuala Lumpur
      RTK test covid Bukit Bintang Kuala Lumpur
    • Klinik Mediviron: you will find many of them. Prices vary. The price can start from RM 30 (6.5 euros, on Bandar Baru Bangi) to RM 80 (17 euros).
    • Klinik Amara: RM 40 per RTK test. You should call before you go.
    • Uni Klinik: 60 RM. Appointment by Whatsapp.
    • Klinik Sena, on Sri Petaling: the price is RM 48. By appointment only.
    • Klinik Khalifah on Kajang Utama: RM 45.
    • CLEA: an application to download. You must first purchase an RTK test from a pharmacy (between RM 8 and RM 20), and follow the procedure on the app. You will then be “supervised” via the application.
    • AUB Health Centre Selangor COVID MOBILE SELANGOR: RM50, and it moves.
      COVID RTK test Malaysia
      COVID RTK test Malaysia
    • Klinik Anda Kota Damansara: RM 40 per person

    Flexible tickets and refund conditions

    Remember to read the conditions of reimbursement for your flights, but also for the hotels.
    You will have to compare different airlines: with the covid, some offer exchangeable tickets without any addition, at the price of the economy fare.

    We recommend that you book the hotels in advance, and not to book once you are there: it would be too risky, unless your accommodation criteria are very flexible.
    If you are traveling with children in particular, then it would be better to organize everything and book well in advance.

    Important dates in Malaysia

    Ramadan from April 2 to May 2

    Don’t forget that Ramadan will start on the night of April 2, until about May 2, 2022.
    Some will want to spend part of the month of Ramadan in Malaysia: so think about booking now.
    For other travelers, especially those with a sweet tooth, who would like to enjoy the local cuisine, roti canai and nasi lemak early in the morning, then it would be best to book from May 2022.

    School vacations and public holidays in Malaysia in 2022

    If you want to take advantage of the best hotel rates, and avoid the crowds, then you should avoid public holidays and the local school vacation period.
    Here are the days to avoid in 2022:

    • May 3 and 4, 2022: Hari raya, it is the Aid el Fitr, marking the end of the month of Ramadan. It is better to avoid the whole week, as many people will take time off over several days.
    • May 15th and 16th 2022: Wesak Day Holiday, except for Johor, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu.
    • June 1 and 2, 2022: Hari Gawai, only on Sarawak.
    • July 10, 11 and 12, 2022: Hari raya Haji Holiday, is the Aid el Kebir, which is marked by the ritual animal sacrifice, usually called “Qurban”, here in Southeast Asia. The locals, especially the Muslims, will take vacations on several days, in addition to these holidays.
    • August 31, 2022: Merdeka Day, Independence Day.
    • October 24, 2022: Deepavali, except on Sarawak.
    • November 11, 12, and 13, 2022: Sultan of Kelantan’s Birthday Holiday, only on Kelantan. This should not affect you, because if you want to go to the East Malaysian islands, it will not be possible. It is indeed the beginning of the Malaysia monsoon. It starts at the end of October (or earlier, later, depending on the year), and usually ends at the end of February, or even March.

    There are many more public holidays in Malaysia, but here we give you the main days that could affect your vacations Malaysia.

    The school vacations  (“Cuti Sekolah”) vary according to the state.
    We put you above, the official table of school vacations in Malaysia:

    Avoid the school vacation period in France

    If you can avoid July and August, you will find much better rates.
    You will also avoid the mass tourism, and you will have more choice in flights and hotels to Malaysia, but also to all Asia.

    Unfortunately, if you are traveling to Malaysia with your family, it will be very difficult to avoid these periods.

    In our experience, it is more advantageous to book from the second half of August onwards, if you really can’t shift outside of these school vacation periods.

    Some examples of prices PARIS CDG – KUALA LUMPUR

    We generally use the skyscanner.com website to search for flights.
    Below, as an indication, we will give you the rates as of April 1, 2022.
    Prices are constantly changing, so don’t hesitate to do your own research.

    To finalize your flight reservation, we prefer the company’s website, even if the price may be slightly higher.
    The service is much better than the service offered by intermediary sites, such as govoyage, ebookers, etc.

    Round trip ticket prices from April 15 to April 30, 2022

    For example, you can find a round trip ticket from 861 euros.
    The prices are much higher, but the dates can explain this (departure date in less than 15 days).

    flight ticket paris kuala lumpur april 2022
    flight ticket paris kuala lumpur april 2022

    Round trip ticket price from May 9 to May 30, 2022

    Prices are much lower if you choose to come in May.

    Flight Paris CDG Kuala Lumpur MAY 2022
    Flight Paris CDG Kuala Lumpur MAY 2022

    Round trip ticket prices from June 9 to June 30, 2022

    Prices start to increase from June onwards, but this remains reasonable.

    Price for flight Paris CDG Kuala Lumpur June 2022
    Price for flight Paris CDG Kuala Lumpur June 2022

    Round trip ticket prices from July 9 to July 30, 2022

    Without any surprise, for the month of July, the prices explode.
    The cost of a return ticket with Qatar Airways is around 900 euros.

    Flight Paris CDG Kuala Lumpur July 2022
    Flight Paris CDG Kuala Lumpur July 2022

    Round trip ticket price from August 16 to September 9, 2022

    Finally, from September onwards, flight prices start to be much more interesting.
    It was exactly this period that we preferred to travel from Paris to Malaysia, before we had put our luggage permanently in Malaysia.
    You will find tickets from 473 euros with Saudia Airlines (very good company, by the way).

    On the company’s website, the round trip is 495 euros.
    It is better to book directly with the company’s website, for this small difference.
    In addition, the prices displayed by the flight comparators and intermediary agents, are prices reserved for some means of payment (credit card, american express, etc.).
    If you have a traditional debit card (Visa, Mastercard, etc.), fees will be added.

    Flight Paris CDG Kuala Lumpur August 2022
    Flight Paris CDG Kuala Lumpur August 2022

    Our customised support

    If you want a personalized help, for a tailor-made trip to Malaysia, we also offer 2 dedicated services:

    1. An economical service 💸 : 2 phone calls of 30 minutes. The first one to discuss your project, and answer all your questions. One last call to finalize your Malaysia vacation project, and bring you our last recommendations.
    2. A premium service ⭐ 2 45-minute phone calls. It’s a turnkey solution : we take care of finding the best flights and hotels, at the best rates. We compare prices for you, and this is done by ourselves (this job is not done by a robot, but by a human 😅).
      We will then propose you a tour according to your wishes and conditions. And we will make a summary in pdf file. All you have to do is pay for the hotels and airplane tickets, in complete security, via the reservation sites. There is no commission taken on these intermediaries, the rates are totally transparent!

    Premium Service - Malaysia vacation tips, including flight and hotel assistance

    FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

    • Download the application
    • Once registered and logged in, click on “Things to do” and answer the questions that will appear.
    • Once the questions have been answered, your profile page will display your “Health Assessment Status”.
    • Then click on “Traveller” on the main page, then “Travel for (your name)”, and fill out the form.
      You can add your children at this level as well.
    • Once the form is completed and validated, you will receive your blue “Traveller Card”, if you are vaccinated.
      Your Traveller Card will be red if you are not vaccinated.

    On this application, you will have to add your vaccination certificate (in English), and your covid test 48h before your departure.

    Once this is done, you can check your vaccination status on the official Malaysian government website.

    After registering, simply follow these steps:

    1. open the application,
    2. click on Traveller
    3. select “Overseas Vaccination Doses
    4. then upload your vaccination certificates, following the instructions

    After 24/48 hours, come back to the application, and your vaccination status should be updated as “FULLY VACCINATED” if you are indeed fully vaccinated.

    If you do not have the details of your vaccination doses, you can ask for the paper certificates of each dose, in any pharmacy in France (for French people).

    You can also find this information on the official MySejahtera help page

    For those who are vaccinated, as of April 1st, you no longer need to be tested, neither before nor after your arrival in Malaysia.

    Don’t forget to add the result of your COVID test, 48 hours before your flight.

    1. Just go to the MySejahtera application, then click on “Pre-departure test”, on the “Traveller Card”.
    2. Then click on “Update for (your name)” to upload the result of your document.
    3. You will have to answer a few questions.
    4. Once all this is done, your Traveller Card will turn green, if you are vaccinated.

    The COVID test result document must be in English.

    Keep a printed paper format as well.

    For the non-vaccinated, the “Traveller Card” will remain in red.
    At the end of your 5 days of quarantine, it will turn green (if your final test is negative).

    • For children up to 17 years of age (depending on the year of birth): no COVID test will be required, regardless of vaccination status (vaccinated or not)

    You must register your children on your MySejahtera application.

    If they have a phone, they can register themselves as well.

    If despite all the information provided through this article, you are still lost, then we recommend you to take our
    help and support service to organize your trip to Malaysia

    We will do the checks together, and we will give you personalized advice for your stay in Malaysia.

    You can find all the latest information on entry requirements for Singapore here:


    Please note that you should also check the entry requirements with the airline company.
    The conditions may be different: some companies may ask for a covid test, while the destination country does not.

    You can find all the updated information about the entry requirements for Thailand here :


    Please note that you should also check the entry requirements with the airline company.
    The conditions may be different: some companies may ask for a covid test, while the destination country does not.

    For Thailand for example, if you travel with AirAsia, the conditions are

    Children between the ages of 6 and 17 should be tested for covid if their parents are not vaccinated.

    1. First of all, check if your bank card offers this kind of insurance.
    2. Otherwise, there are many insurance companies like April, or Chapka etc. We do not advertise or link to any of these companies, they are provided for information purposes only.
    3. You can also subscribe to the
      Tune Protect local insurance

      For 15 days, with Tune Protect, it would cost you RM 161, or about 35 euros.

    As of April 1, insurance is no longer mandatory.

    Again, be sure you are not already covered by your health insurance.

    In any case, you will have to ask for this document of health coverage, in English.

    It’s up to you to make the comparisons and find the best plan for your situation and your health coverage wishes.

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